Fresh Engels

Blog Post Coming Soon - "Homecoming and Prom"

This one is for Mimi. I should have written this a week or two ago, but the thought that I didn't have to finish the article before saying something about it didn't cross my mind until now.

Anyway, I am pretty sure that Mimi is my most loyal fan. She asked my dad to tell me to write the post at an arts/performance camp of some sort, even though it had been months, probably more than half a year since she asked me before. That was before I graduated. Better late than never, I suppose.

It's in the works already. When it's done, it will be dedicated to Mimi for reminding me that people do, in fact, care about the things I have to say and want to hear them.

Mimi - If you remembered the fact that my blog exists and you wanted to hear what I had to say about things like homecoming and prom, then I must be appreciated. I'll not let you down.

With any luck, I'll be able to finish it this month. Don't forget to check for new posts occasionally!